Friday favorites - shoe edition

Friday we meet again! And here I am writing a post, finally!!!! The MIA has been real. Keeping it short but being a mom and running your own business has been a BIG challenge for me. Trying to balance has been quite the journey and I really hate that I've neglected this site so much, so now that I feel I've gotten my shit together, I'm challenging myself to make this blog also a priority. So, that being said I'm going to be integrating new "stuff" on the site instead of just fashion post because there are other things that I love just as much as fashion, such as, current favorites, styling tips, inspirations, beauty, books, movies etc, you get the drill. 

Here are a few favorites that I've been loving - SHOE EDITION! I kept them in a neutral tone versus going to all black cause let's be real, when it comes to spring and summer we think light colors and these babies below are perfect for any dreamy outfit, whether it's going to a wedding or running errands. I've got you covered! Hope you enjoy! 
