NYC uniform
NYC fall foliage.
Blazer: S.I.C. Couture | Shirt: Seven, old (similar) | Leggings, old (similar) | Scarf: Forever 21 | Shoes: Nine West, old (similar) | Sunnies: Ray-ban
Hello, there! Why yes, it has been awhile since I did a post. I've been consumed with lovely visitors from Texas - my sister-in-law and niece came to up to visit the first half of last week and my sister and nephew came up the second half. If you follow along on my instagram then you already know. ;)
The outfit: 4 years ago when I moved to NYC, my everyday uniform, if you will, was all black. 1. I moved during the fall time so it was already chilly so naturally I chose black. 2. There's really no coordinating that has to happen. 3. Makes you look slim, so bonus! But truth be told, lots of women gravitate towards black during the fall/winter doesn't require a lot of thinking ( I can dig that!) and black fabric just seems to keep you warm cause it's dark. That probably is not true unless your are wearing wool.
Hope you all have wonderful day!! Thank you for stopping by!