jessica ramos


My name is Jessica and welcome to The Style Affect. A place to find inspiration in all things fashion, travel and everyday life through my eyes.

I started this blog back in 2014 while I was living in NYC (I now reside in Dallas, TX) to document how to style my designs from my line, S.I.C. Couturewhich is now an online boutique that I curate. I stopped posting on my blog for a few years to focus on growing S.I.C. COUTURE plus I had a baby. :)

No doubt my first passion is designing but secondly, I love styling clothes. I love to find different ways to reuse a piece or spice it up some how. So here you will find just that. 

My style is a mix between classic, feminine, and a touch of boho. I dress according to my mood, most of the time. 

Thanks so much for stopping by! 


